2016 Election Central (link)
What is a primary and caucus? |
Meet the CandidatesPolitical PartiesComparing the two major parties - US Gov website
Republican Party (GOP) - official website Democratic Party - official website Minor Parties Videos of DebatesBoth of these links will give you access to all the debates that have been held during this primary election. (Note: Skip the survey it prompts you to do when you first follow the links)
All Republican Debates (always click on the later of the two times) All Democratic Debates Alaska CaucusesRepublican caucus is March 1
Democratic caucus is March 26 |
Super Tuesday Results
How can I follow the primary elections on my own?
Many news sites that you will find have some bias towards either the liberal or conservative sides of the spectrum. To get a well rounded and complete grasp of all issues and positions of both Republican and Democratic candidates, I recommend using a variety of news sources. Most of these have Apps that you can upload to keep up to date on the most recent election news. Here are some that you might like.
ABC News BBC News CNN Christian Science Monitor FOX News Huffington Post NBC News New York Times NPR Washington Post |
Interesting video suggested by a student that looks at voting and elections from an interesting perspective.