Essential Question - How are primary and secondary sources used to understand history?
Formative Assessment #1 Historical Perspective Partner Activity
The link provided includes both the Understanding Historical Perspective Class Activity AND the homework question. The homework question is located on the fourth page. If you missed this activity/assignment, please print this off, complete with someone (it doensn't have to be a students... just a willing participant) and turn in for credit. If you scored poorly on it, you can redo or revise the assignment for full credit up until the end of the unit.
Formative Assessment #2 Primary or Secondary Source Evaluation
The link provided will assess your understanding of the differences between primary and secondary sources. Directions for students completing this assignment as a make-up assignment are located on the handout. This is an in-class activity/assignment.
Formative Assessment #3: Analyzing primary sources
Analyzing Primary Sources - Master Guide - Use this reference page to guide your analysis of visual, written, audio, and map primary sources.
This is an in-class activity that will require that students log onto the Library of Congress website ( The list of websites below will link them to a primary source that they are to use their Primary Source Analysis handout to evaluate.
1. Lewis and Clark (analyze this one)
2. Antarctica
1.Women's Suffrage (analyze this one)
2. Clutches of the Chinese Tiger (use this link if the above link isn't working)
alternative link:
1. "I'll Fly Away" (analyze this one)
2. Fountain Hughes
> Written
1. Flying Machine (choose either flying machine or flathead, but only do one)
Summative Assessment:
End of Unit Assessment - Primary and Secondary Sources
Formative Assessment #1 Historical Perspective Partner Activity
The link provided includes both the Understanding Historical Perspective Class Activity AND the homework question. The homework question is located on the fourth page. If you missed this activity/assignment, please print this off, complete with someone (it doensn't have to be a students... just a willing participant) and turn in for credit. If you scored poorly on it, you can redo or revise the assignment for full credit up until the end of the unit.
Formative Assessment #2 Primary or Secondary Source Evaluation
The link provided will assess your understanding of the differences between primary and secondary sources. Directions for students completing this assignment as a make-up assignment are located on the handout. This is an in-class activity/assignment.
Formative Assessment #3: Analyzing primary sources
Analyzing Primary Sources - Master Guide - Use this reference page to guide your analysis of visual, written, audio, and map primary sources.
This is an in-class activity that will require that students log onto the Library of Congress website ( The list of websites below will link them to a primary source that they are to use their Primary Source Analysis handout to evaluate.
1. Lewis and Clark (analyze this one)
2. Antarctica
1.Women's Suffrage (analyze this one)
2. Clutches of the Chinese Tiger (use this link if the above link isn't working)
alternative link:
1. "I'll Fly Away" (analyze this one)
2. Fountain Hughes
> Written
1. Flying Machine (choose either flying machine or flathead, but only do one)
Summative Assessment:
End of Unit Assessment - Primary and Secondary Sources